
Empty Return at Port

Empty Return at Port

At Draypoint, we understand the importance of timely and efficient drayage services, and that includes the proper management of empty containers.

Draypoint Global Managed Dray Logistics Empty At Port

Smooth Flow

When it comes to returning empty containers to the port, our drivers and partner carriers are held accountable for every day that an empty container sits out and not returned. We believe that timely return of empty containers is essential to maintaining a smooth flow of cargo in and out of the port.


Our team of experienced drivers and partner carriers are trained to prioritize empty container returns, and we have a rate of ingated containers with one day of pick-up greater than 98%. We understand that every day an empty container sits out incurs a cost, and we work hard to ensure that our clients don’t have to bear the burden of unnecessary costs.

Efficient Process

Draypoint also understands that the process of returning empty containers can be complex and challenging, and we have put in place measures to ensure that our team can efficiently manage empty container returns. We have a team of experts dedicated to yard management, who analyze daily flow and ensure efficiency in the process.

Leverage Technology

In addition, we leverage technology to keep our clients informed about the status of their empty containers. Our state-of-the-art tracking system allows our clients to monitor the movement of their empty containers in real-time, enabling them to make informed decisions on their cargo’s next steps.

Time & Cost Saving

At Draypoint, we are committed to providing the best drayage services in the industry, and that includes managing the return of empty containers. We understand that time is money, and our goal is to help our clients save both by ensuring timely and efficient return of their empty containers.

Exceeds Expectation

Returning empty containers to the port is a critical aspect of drayage services, and at Draypoint, we take this responsibility seriously. We work tirelessly to ensure that our clients’ empty containers are returned to the port promptly, efficiently, and cost-effectively. With our experienced team of drivers, partner carriers, and yard management experts, we are confident that we can meet and exceed our clients’ expectations.

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